Business evaluation, mergers and acquisitions
SIGLA has an active role in the process of deregulation of the Argentine and Latin American electricity market, advising public and private companies in various privatizations, mergers and acquisitions.
As an advisor to the Energy Secretariat of Argentina, SIGLA advises on the privatization of the high voltage systems that resulted in the creation and privatization of Transener, Transnoa, Transpa, Distrocuyo and Transnea.
In the private sector, the Company advises investors, banks and other participants in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) of Argentina and companies in the Oil & Gas business such as Eurolatin Capital.
Included services:
- Demand projection
- Development of financial-economic models
- Assessment of assets status
- Determination of income and expenses
- Identification and evaluation of investment opportunities
- Technical, commercial, legal and financial due diligence
- Project development and integrated risk assessment and management
- Advice on optimal business strategies and financing.