International Interconnection Studies
SIGLA has extensive experience in studies for the development and implementation of interconnections between different countries, having started with the first feasibility studies in 1996 for lines between Brazil and Argentina. Since then it participated in various projects of technical and regulatory feasibility and design studies of interconnections between various countries of Latin and Central America, for private companies, public agencies and multilateral institutions such as the World Bank, IDB and CAF.
Included services:
- Planning Study:
- Energy studies
- Electrical studies
- Identification of Interconnection Alternatives and Costs
- Generation Balance and Evolution of Marginal and Media Costs
- Optimization Process
- Sensitivity Analysis
- Basic Technical Studies for the Selected Alternatives:
- Electrical Studies
- Economic Evaluation of Alternatives
- Socio-environmental evaluation of Alternatives
- Basic Engineering Designs
- Other Benefits of the Interconnection
- Institutional Arrangements